Dairy Standard Agency

Communication with authorities and other organisations

Project Manager: Mr J C Burger

Job Title: Managing Director

Resources: Funded by Milk SA from statutory levy incom

Project purpose

  • To establish and maintain proper communication channels to allow effective transfer of information between the DSA, respective government departments and industry related organisations.
  • To maintain and strengthen relationships, public private partnerships and memorandums of understanding to assist with achievement of the primary objectives of the DSA.
  • To address continues non-conforming issues with the respective government departments based on information obtained from Projects 1, 2 and 5.
  • To interact and engage with the relevant official/s from the respective government departments to assist in problem solving.
  • To interact and disseminate information to the organised dairy industry regarding industry related matters.

Project description

In terms of its project planning and execution, it is necessary for the DSA to liaise and communicate with the various government departments as well as other organisations as stakeholders of the dairy industry.  

These amongst others include:

  • assistance to the relevant regulatory bodies with the identification of offenders of the legal standards in respect of milk and other dairy products;
  • DSA facilitation of remedial programs which is to be executed by the respective regulatory authorities to limit the supply of substandard milk and other dairy products to the market;
  • interact with the respective authorities on a continual basis as to establish ongoing remedial programs;
  • interaction with government bodies is done as a result of quarterly reports, requests regarding quality problems and or special investigations. Facilitation is subsequently followed-up by means of requested feedback (formal) from the various government institutions and scheduled meetings; and interact with industry related organisations such as Milk SA, SAMPRO, MPO, Consumer Goods Council of South Africa, South African National Consumer Union and other organisations regarding dairy related issues, in terms of the DSA objectives.


  1. Communication with the authorities

Liaison and communication with the following government departments to ensure continuity, with specific reference to food safety and quality related matters that require a proactive approach and or statutory intervention.

1.1 Government institutions

 1.1.1 Department of Health

1.1.1. Directorate Food Control

For the purposes of its regulatory activities, the Directorate: Food Control of the Department of Health is advised by the Food Legislation Advisory Group (FLAG). DSA serves as a member of the advisory group and participates on matters relating to the dairy regulatory environment. Port Health Services/Department of Health

Priority is given to ports of entry where dairy products are more frequently handled.

1.1.3 Municipal Health Authorities

Establishment and maintenance of relationships with health authorities of metropolitan, district and local municipalities in South Africa.

1.1.2 Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)

 DALRRD Assignee services Directorate Food Safety and Quality Assurance (policy making) National Directorate Animal Health and provincial state veterinary offices.

 1.1.3 NRCS (National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications): Legal Metrology

 Legal Metrology Inspection at NRCS head office. 

1.1.4 NCC (National Consumer Commissioner)

Communication with Consumer Commissioner (law enforcement) and ombud on issues relating milk and other dairy products to the consumer in terms of the Consumer protection Act.

1.1.5 SABS (South African Bureau of Standards)

Communication with SABS relates to liaison on legislation and is dealt with under Project 7: Liaison on legislation with authorities.

1.1.6 SARS

Communication with SARS regarding prima facie cases relating to adulteration in terms of the Value Added Tax (VAT) Act, 1991 (Act 89 of 1991).

2    Communication with other organisations

2.1 CGCSA (Consumer Goods Council of South Africa): Food Safety Initiative

The DSA, on an ad hoc basis liaise with the CGCSA: Food safety initiative regarding objective, independent and scientific advice on dairy related matters. DSA serves as a member of CGCSA: FSI.

2.2 Milk SA

Milk SA deals with issues of common interest to the primary dairy industry (milk   producers) and secondary dairy industry (milk processors). DSA interacts on a regular basis with the project managers of the Milk SA Consumer Education Project and SAMPRO, MPO as well as the Project Coordinating Committee of the Milk SA (DSA, CEP and R&D Project of Milk SA) of which scheduled meetings take place regularly.

The Project management of the Regulations and Standards Project of Milk SA consults regularly with the organised dairy industry with specific reference to regulatory matters.  DSA serves on the following committees of Milk SA:

  • Research and development – DRDC;
  • Skills Development;
  • Customs Duty and Market Access;
  • Regulations and Standards (Project management);
  • Milk SA Project Coordinating Committee; and
  • Transformation in the dairy industry (see item 2.1.4 above).


By Milk SA Board resolution, DSA manages the Milk SA Regulation and Standards Project and report to the Milk SA Advisory Committee: Regulations and Standards.

2.3 MPO (Milk Producers Organisation)

 The DSA provides supportive and related services to the milk producers of South Africa. DSA liaise on a regular basis with MPO.


SAAFoST is a non-profit, largely volunteer run, national association of food science and other technical professionals concerned with advancing the knowledge of food science and technology. 

 2.5 SAATCA (Southern African Auditor and Training Certificate Authority)

SAATCA’s mission is to recognise and satisfy the needs of stakeholders in Southern Africa and provide confidence to industry by setting criteria in line with National and International Standards to ensure the competence of:

  • Management System Auditors and Product and Process Auditors; and
  • Management System auditing Training Course Providers.


DSA is a standing member of SAATCA.

2.6 SAIEH (South African Institute for Environmental Health)

The SAIEH is a body that advances and promotes the science and practice of environ-mental health. The body also affiliate and liaise with local, national (such as DSA) and international organisations aimed at promoting the science and practice of environmental health.

2.7 SAMPRO (South African Milk Processors’ Organisation)

SAMPRO is the voluntary organisation of milk processors for the promotion of the development of the secondary industry to the benefit of the dairy industry, the consumer, and the South African society. 

2.8 SANCU (South African National Consumer Union)

The DSA regularly attends SANCU meetings together with other government stakeholders. Liaison regarding legislative matters on food and dairy control is supported. SANCU is a voluntary autonomous body that represents the consumer.

2.9 SASDT (South African Society for Dairy Technology)

The DSA liaise with the SASDT regarding dairy safety and quality related matters on an ad hoc basis. SASDT promotes and encourages technological and scientific advancement by the dissemination and application of knowledge and the provision of opportunities for discussion, co-operation, education, training and research. DSA also serves on the management of the SASDT.

2.10  ISO (International Standards Organisation), Codex Alimentarius, ARSO (African Organisation for Standardization and IDF (International Dairy Federation)

DSA liaise with the above organisations regarding international mandatory and voluntary matters relating to dairy quality and safety throughout the value chain.