Dairy Standard Agency

Status Quo of the Dairy Regulatory Landscape

Status Quo of the Dairy Regulatory Landscape Webinar discussion The dairy products must comply with prescribed minimum requirements prescribed by a fragmented food legislative system. The Acts as the broader laws and the regulations made under them as supplementary laws prescribe the minimum quality, safety and metrology marking requirements. The food regulatory landscape is influenced […]

DSA Lab Services: The real test of quality

DSA Lab Services: The real test of quality The promotion of quality milk and dairy products is extremely important, as inferior quality products can be catastrophic to the South African dairy industry and its consumers. This is the foundation on which the Dairy Standard Agency (DSA) has been built. To fortify its focus even more, […]

Pre-employment and routine examinations of milk handlers

Pre-employment and routine examinations of milk handlers With biosecurity and food safety now at the forefront more than ever before, the question is often asked to what extent the staff at farm level, with specific reference to handlers of milk, contribute to food safety risks. Pathogenic organisms Regulation 961 of 2012 relating to hygiene requirements […]

Sustainability in the dairy industry

Sustainability in the dairy industry The overall goal of the dairy industry worldwide is to produce healthy and nutritious food in an economically, socially and environmentally friendly manner. The South African dairy industry is a member of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) and endorses the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) […]

The raw milk risk: Ask the right questions

The raw milk risk: Ask the right questions Research conducted over the last decade shows that there is little difference between the bacterial content of raw milk supplied by regulated and unregulated suppliers. Hence, there is no guarantee that a glass of raw milk won’t pose serious health risks to consumers, warns the Dairy Standard […]

Tests promote dairy product safety

Tests promote dairy product safety The Dairy Standard Agency (DSA) is working hard to proactively combat potential food safety risks and promote compliance with relevant legislation and standards in South Africa. The DSA is mainly concerned with improving and promoting the quality of dairy in the interest of the industry and consumers. Complying with legal […]

Matema Mokoka: Making a difference, sample by sample

Matema Mokoka: Making a difference, sample by sample The Dairy Standard Agency’s (DSA) laboratory technician, Matema Mokoka, might not be well-known in dairy producer circles, but she is one of South Africa’s unsung heroes who keeps the industry’s reputation intact while protecting consumers – all behind the scenes. Matema fell in love with the agricultural […]

Die oordeelkundige gebruik van chemikalieë op melkplase

Die oordeelkundige gebruik van chemikalieë op melkplase Die Suiwelstandaard-agentskap (SSA) het aan die einde van 2023 ’n webinaar aangebied oor die korrekte gebruik van chemikalieë op melkplase. Die gesprek het teen die agtergrond van die nuwe Globale Geharmoniseerde Stelsel (GHS) vir die klassifikasie en etikettering van chemikalieë plaasgevind. Die aanbieder was dr Gerhard Verdoorn, ‘n kenner op […]

Judicious use of agricultural chemicals on dairy farms

Judicious use of agricultural chemicals on dairy farms During the latter part of 2023, the Dairy Standard Agency (DSA) hosted a webinar on the correct use of agricultural chemicals on dairy farms. The discussion took place against the background of the new Global Harmonised System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS system). The presenter was […]