Dairy Standard Agency

In recent years, nutrition science has shifted focus from examining individual nutrients to understanding the health effects of whole foods. This approach acknowledges that the nutrient composition of a food doesn’t always predict its overall health impacts. Whole foods, such as dairy products, are made up of complex structures containing various nutrients, bioactive compounds, and non-nutritive elements. These exist in forms ranging from fluids to semi-solids and solids, interacting within what is known as the “Food Matrix.” The Dairy Matrix concept highlights how dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yoghurt have health effects that extend beyond the sum of their individual nutrients. Research now recognizes that the unique interaction between the components in dairy results in multiple health benefits, which cannot be attributed to isolated nutrients alone. This presentation will explore the Food Matrix model, focusing on its application to dairy. It will explain how the structure and nutrient interactions within dairy contribute to its broad spectrum of positive health outcomes, making dairy an essential component of healthy diets.

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